Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bad Blogger...

I have to first say that I am sorry.  I am sorry to all the masses of people that read my blog, or rather don't read my blog because I haven't posted in months.  This is such a busy season for us.  We've been busy planting, weeding, harvesting, preserving and mixed in with all of that we had our county fair and the last of our 4-H events.  However, all that whining aside, it has been brought to my attention (on numerous occassions) that I am a bad blogger.  Last night, I received an email that made me truly realize the consequences of my actions, or lack thereof.  Here is the email:


From: Hye Country Heather

To: Prairie Kerri

You should make a note to try Dr. Pepper Cake as an idea for your fair next year.

I'm also getting board with the 100+ days of cornmeal cookies on your blog. I have the placement of your ornaments on that section of the tree burned into my memory.

This was preceded by other emails.  One demanding me to blog about our recent trip to SeaWorld and the Alamo with her and her family.....

And, another desperate attempt trying to get me to blog about my kitchen after a day in my life.  This was spurred when Pioneer Woman blogged about the state of her kitchen after a day of cooking.  It made me laugh because her kitchen still looked like she had a clean up crew.  If it were me, the camera lens would have had flour haze across it making the onlooker wonder if they were suffering from a sudden onset of cataracts. Not to mention, I often try to create a small scale replica of the leaning tower of Pisa with stacks of dishes. But, I wasn't about to fall into her trap.  No siree!  Seriously, take a look at PW's kitchen! Pshaw!

So, here you have it.  I will try desperately to get back on the train and blog again.  I know y'all have been sitting on the edge of your seats, barely able to get on with your daily lives.  I just can't keep you hanging any longer!

Prairie Kerri

P.S.  Oh, my stars!  When I previewed this post, I learned that it has been 147 since I tweeted, too!  Stay tuned...

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