Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hye Country Heather....she's a keeper

This is my best friend, Hye Country Heather and I love her.  I've known her for nearly 14 years and it's still a mystery as to why she sticks around.  We are so similar and yet so very different....we are a perfect balance.  I am the domineering, pushy, mouthy and highly opinionated gypsy spirit friend and she is the sweet, pleasant, peace-making, always has a plan friend.  God has led us together down the roads of our lives and fortunately we have been blessed to walk side by side.  I am the friend that calls and tells her we are going to do something crazy and she just says, "Seriously?".  She always complies which makes her so much fun!  She posted her first blog post today and I thought it was worthy of sharing.  She and I have many stories to tell, and hopefully in some of these you will get to know us, see God and maybe even laugh a little (or a lot).  So, hop on over to her blog and share the first of many of her stories.  I am thinking that in the future, this will be very interesting to the readers.  You will be able to here my version of the story and her's, which I am sure either way it's told will be most comical! 

If you are bored, which is how you landed here, hop over to my old blog and read the Story of the Snake Charmer and the Skunk.  It surely will make you pee your pants and give you a shining example of a day when the two worlds of Prairie Kerri and Hye Country Heather collide.   If you don't have a friend like Heather, get you one.  Everyone needs one.  Matter of fact, I think I could lease her out on a temporary basis.  She is a phenomal baker and cook, does light cleaning and not too shabby at cleaning out stalls or putting up clothes lines.  If interested, please contact me through my blog with the dates she is needed and I will try to coordinate. 

 Oh, and as for the above picture, I am sure she is cringing that I used it.  Here's the skinny on it.  It was last Thanksgiving, my first after losing my mom.  She and her family came to our house to share the holiday.   I was preparing the dressing/stuffing to take with us to my mother-in-law's and hit a dilemma.  I didn't have a bowl large enough to mix it in.  So, never fail you can use your milking pail!  The result was a picture perfect moment....and, this might go unnoticed to the untrained eye, but I managed to actually "capture" Heather.  She always has this same infectious smile on her face, isn't she a beauty?  Her beauty on the outside truly is a result of what shines out from the inside. 

Love you, Hye Country Heather!
Prairie Kerri

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